Applied Sciences Center for Resilience Studies
The WFCA’s Applied Sciences Center for Resilience Studies (ASC) is a one-stop shop for communities, entrepreneurs, industry, academics, and non-profits seeking resources and services for technology, innovation, policy development and implementation; as well as new enterprises and programs. We help build lasting relationships between communities, government, industry, and academia to improve society and build community resiliency.
Current projects include:
- Community Wildfire Resiliency Initiative
- Mitigations that Matter Strategic Alignment Project
- Wildfire Risk and Self-Protective Investments Project
- Wildfire Decision & Data Mapping - NASA Project
- Community Solutions Initiative
- The Vulnerably Housed & Unsheltered Fire Problems: Fire Service Perspectives and Needs for Policy Response
Affiliated centers are funded through a mix of grant programs, below-market-rate fees, and private philanthropy, and community donations.
ASC serves as the knowledge broker between industry, businesses, non-profits, communities, and academia, to advance mutually beneficial endeavors, and assist in strengthening the innovation ecosystem in public service.
We are your connection to the fire service.
For inquiries please submit the form below.
ASC News and Annoucements
OPAL & ASC Collaborate to Enhance Wildfire Resiliency
The Oregon State University Policy Analysis Lab (OPAL) and the Western Fire Chiefs Association’s Applied Sciences Center (ASC) collaborate to increase resiliency to wildfire, focusing on the social impacts of wildfire on the community.