How Cooperative Purchasing Can Help Take the Burn Out of Budget Cuts
Published:October 23, 2015
Edited:July 15, 2022
One Hour Webinar on Thursday, November 19, 2015 – 11:00 (PST) – Webinar Registration
Economic conditions have forced many fire departments to make significant budget reductions. To prevent budget cuts from impacting staffing, fire service leaders are looking for creative ways to save money and reduce overhead. Group or cooperative purchasing has been an option exercised on a regional basis for some time. The benefits of cooperative purchasing have caused it to become a national mainstream option for government entities.Participants will learn how cooperative purchasing programs work, including specific information on the legal aspects of this type of procurement process. Information about FireRescue GPO (a program of NPPGov) and current contracts available will also be shared.
> Learn what cooperative purchasing is and how it works.
> Know what questions to ask your procurement staff.
> Understand the FireRescue GPO and what it does for the fire service.