Are Wildfires Natural Disasters?

Are wildfires truly 'natural disasters'? Explore the classification and impacts of wildfires with expert guidance from the Western Fire Chiefs Association

Published:December 13, 2023
September 17, 2024

Table of Contents

    Are wildfires truly ‘natural disasters’? Explore the classification and impacts of wildfires with expert guidance from the Western Fire Chiefs Association

    With 90% of wildfires caused by human activity, can wildfires truly be considered a natural disaster? In this article, dive into what defines a natural disaster, what are the natural causes of wildfires, and some interesting facts that may help you better understand wildfires.

    Are Wildfires Considered a Natural Disaster?

    A natural disaster is defined as a sudden and terrible event in nature that usually results in serious damage and many deaths.1 Although not all wildfires are natural occurrences, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classifies wildfires as natural disasters. Even more, National Geographic attributes only 10 to 15% of wildfires to natural causes. The remaining 85 to 90% of wildfires are a result of human activity.2

    What are the Natural Causes of Wildfire?

    The most frequent natural cause of a wildfire is lightning.3 In the West, almost 70% of wildfire-burned land was the result of lightning-sparked fires.4 There are two types of lightning: cold and hot. Cold lightning has an intense electrical current but does not last very long and rarely starts fires. Hot lighting has a weaker electrical current, but the bolt of lightning stays for a longer period. These longer-lasting bolts can cause wildfires.Even though humans cause most wildfires, fires started by lightning are usually larger and burn more land.6

    While volcanic eruptions and coal seam fires can cause wildfires, they are relatively less common compared to human-related and lightning-induced fire starts. Volcanic eruptions can lead to lava flows that ignite vegetation, and coal seams can experience spontaneous combustion. However, these events are not as frequent on a global scale.

    Interesting Wildfire Facts

    The more we know about wildfires, the more we are able to understand and predict their behavior. Here are three interesting facts about wildfires:

    1. Wildfires can travel at up at 14.27 miles per hour. The stronger the wind, the faster the fire travels. On top of that, a fire will travel faster when moving uphill because heat rises.7
    2. Some plants and trees, such as buckbrush and manzanita, actually need wildfires to reproduce. They have a hard shell that will only break open from extreme heat from a wildfire. Once the seed pod opens, new growth is able to occur.8
    3. Wildfires can produce their own weather, including fire tornadoes and pyrocumulus clouds. This is because of the intense heat and energy wildfires generate.9

    For other interesting wildfire facts visit Wildfire Facts for Kids or Facts About Wildfire.


    1. Merriam-Webster “Natural Disaster.” Accessed November 30, 2023
    2. Green Matters, “Are Wildfires Considered Natural Disasters, or Are they Chiefly Caused by Humans?” Accessed November 30, 2023
    3. BIA, “Wildfire Investigations.” Accessed November 30, 2023.
    4. NSF, “Dry Lightning can Spark Wildfires Even Under Wetter Conditions.” Accessed November 30, 2023.
    5. Earth, “What Causes Wildfires?” Accessed November 30, 2023.
    6. Congressional Research Service, “Wildfire Statistics.” Accessed November 30, 2023.
    7. Mercury Insurance, “How Fast Do Wildfires Spread?” Accessed November 30, 2023.
    8. BLM, “Fire Ecology.” Accessed November 30, 2023.
    9. CapRadio, “How Massive Wildfires Create Their Own Weather.” Accessed November 30, 2023.

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