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Mixed-Use Fire Stations

February 14, 2024


Dr. Matt Hinds-Aldrich, a senior risk strategy lead at the American Association of Insurance Services, and Retired Deputy Chief of the Atlanta Fire Department, Byron Kennedy, join Chief Bob Horton on the panel to discuss mixed-use fire stations with Fire Headlines Host Samantha Didion. Chief Jeff Buchanan is away this week. This week’s guests bring their valuable insights and expertise to the table as they discuss an article featured in the Daily Dispatch, which highlights the upcoming construction of apartments atop Fire Station 15 in midtown Atlanta. Many community members are surprised by this new development, but how new is this concept and what should be taken into consideration when gathering the funds for mixed-use fire stations?

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Discover what to take into consideration with a mixed-use fire station as innovative fire stations are increasing in popularity on WFCA’s Fire Headlines Podcast.

Mixed-Use Fire Stations

Dr. Matt Hinds-Aldrich, a senior risk strategy lead at the American Association of Insurance Services, and Retired Deputy Chief of the Atlanta Fire Department, Byron Kennedy, join Chief Bob Horton on the panel to discuss mixed-use fire stations with Fire Headlines Host Samantha Didion. Chief Jeff Buchanan is away this week.

This week’s guests bring their valuable insights and expertise to the table as they discuss an article featured in the Daily Dispatch, which highlights the upcoming construction of apartments atop Fire Station 15 in midtown Atlanta. Many community members are surprised by this new development, but how new is this concept and what should be taken into consideration when gathering the funds for mixed-use fire stations?

Overview of the Midtown Atlanta Fire Station Project

Chief Kennedy draws from his extensive 30-year tenure with Atlanta Fire Rescue, including his firsthand experience working in midtown Atlanta at Fire Station 15, the one set for redevelopment with apartments above it. He discusses the challenges for fire stations in urban areas and the importance of having fire stations in densely populated areas like this one.

Benefits and Examples

Dr. Hinds-Aldrich shares several examples of innovative mixed-use solutions that benefit both the fire department and the community. These examples include libraries, parking garages, and recreational facilities built in conjunction with fire stations. Throughout all of his examples, he emphasizes the need for careful planning and consideration of long-term viability.  

Challenges and Solutions

The panel dives into the challenges of funding and project sustainability when considering mixed-use fire stations. Chief Kennedy acknowledges hurdles in the traditional fire station construction process and states that a benefit of using or partnering with a private company is expedited construction. Dr. Hinds-Aldrich shares a cautionary note, citing instances where private developers changed plans mid-project, or even dropping the project completely due to economic fluctuations. He stresses the critical role of contractual safeguards.

Dr. Matt Hinds-Aldrich’s Article: Mixed-Use Fire Stations: It’s time to think about public-private… | by Dr. Matt Hinds-Aldrich | Medium

Chief Byron Kennedy’s website: Leadership Consulting Experts | Kennedy Consulting Firms

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