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Smart Firefighting Roundtable

April 3, 2024


This week we are giving our listeners an inside look at a live roundtable event hosted by a friend of the show, Kevin Sofen, on his podcast, Smart Firefighting. Chief Bob Horton and Chief Jeff Buchanan were special guests on the show and shared their thoughts on the question, “If technology is so great, why don’t we use it?” Stay tuned – our team will be on a break next week, but we’ll return with a brand-new episode of Fire Headlines on April 17th!

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Tune into Bob and Jeff’s guest appearance on Kevin Sofen’s podcast, Smart Firefighting on this episode of Western Fire Chiefs Association’s Fire Headlines Podcast.

This week we are giving our listeners an inside look at a live roundtable event hosted by a friend of the show, Kevin Sofen, on his podcast, Smart Firefighting. Chief Bob Horton and Chief Jeff Buchanan were special guests on the show and shared their thoughts on the question, “If technology is so great, why don’t we use it?”

Stay tuned – our team will be on a break next week, but we’ll return with a brand-new episode of Fire Headlines on April 17th!

If Technology is so Great, Why Don’t We Use It?

The panelists on this episode of Smart Firefighting engage in a comprehensive discussion on the significance of data and technology within the fire service. Chief Bob Horton questions the reasons behind the underutilization of certain technological advancements. Illustrative examples are presented, such as the continued use of red fire trucks despite evidence advocating for alternative colors to enhance visibility. Additionally, topics including seatbelt usage, fire helmets, and the clean cab concept are explored in depth, shedding light on various facets of technology integration within the firefighting domain.

Throughout the episode, Chief Bob Horton provides valuable insights into the necessity of showcasing the tangible benefits that technology can offer to end-users within the fire service. He draws from personal experiences to illustrate successful implementations of technological advancements, such as pressure governors in fire engines and the adoption of the clean cab concept. Chief Horton further emphasizes the importance of employing strategic approaches and incremental progress in integrating technology into fire service operations. In addition, Chief Jeff Buchanan underscores the criticality of optimizing decision-making environments within fire organizations. He delves into the ongoing paradigm shift within the fire service and addresses the challenges posed by changing generations in the workforce, highlighting the need for adaptability and forward-thinking strategies in response to evolving societal and technological landscapes.

Smart Firefighting YouTube channel:  Smart FireFighting – YouTube

You can email Fire Headlines at [email protected].

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